In Georgia, child support is calculated pursuant to the Child Support Guidelines outlined in
O.C.G.A. § 19-6-15. Child support is generally determined using the online calculator provided
through the Georgia Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) website. These calculations take
into account several factors, including:
1) Income of Both Parents: The first step in calculating child support is determining each parent's gross income. This may include a parent's wages, salary, bonuses, commissions, self-employment income, and other forms of income like tips, rental
income, and any other sources of funds. All sources of income are used, however some
government monies received may be ineligible for use in calculating support.
a) Note: Where there is a significant discrepancy in income, even where a parent is
awarded primary physical custody, a parent may still be required to pay child support to the
other parent.
2) Deviations: Certain ‘deviations' may also be included, such as alimony paid or received, child support paid for other children from a previous relationship, and certain other deductions
allowed by law. Which deviations are adopted and how much is used in the calculation is
up to the judge.
3) Parenting Time: The number of overnights each parent has with the child is factored into
the calculation as well. The more time a parent spends with the child, the lower their child support
obligation may be.
4) Childcare Costs: Childcare expenses incurred due to employment, job searching, education or
training necessary for employment are another potential deviation that can be factored into
the calculation. Not all child care expenses qualify, only certain expenses can be considered
under the statute.
5) Health Insurance Premiums: The cost of health insurance, dental and vision premiums for
the child is also considered when calculating child support.
6) Extraordinary Expenses: Extraordinary expenses, such as medical expenses not covered by
insurance, educational expenses, and special needs of the child, may be considered and
allocated between the parents.
7) Standard of Living: The child support calculation aims to maintain a standard of living for
the child that is consistent with the parent's financial abilities.
It's important to note that the Georgia child support guidelines provide a presumptive amount
of child support, but the court has discretion to deviate from these guidelines if it determines
that applying the presumptive amount of support would be unjust or inappropriate in a
particular case. Additionally, child support orders can be modified if there is a significant change
in circumstances, such as a change in income or parenting time.
Give us a call at 404-999-9529 if you need help calculating your child support obligation in a divorce, child custody or legitimation case.
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